Pure Bioenergy Treatment
Pure Bioenergy Treatment
This energy-healing modality is very powerful. Bioenergy, sometimes called Chi, Ki, Prana, Bioplasm
Service Description
This energy-healing modality is very powerful. Bioenergy, sometimes called Chi, Ki, Prana, Bioplasma, or any number of names, has all the information your body needs to remain in it’s natural state of health and self-healing. Illness, or dis-ease, is simply the lack of health and the best way to achieve the homeostatis is to return the missing information (energy pattern) to the biofield. That can only happen if the Bioenergy is kept PURE, without any social, cultural, political or medical conditioning added by the therapist’s thoughts. The process of reintroducing the information of creation, contained in the Bioenergy, is a natural phenomenon that can make any condition reversible. It is made possible by the therapist accessing this information and delivering it to the client through learned techniques (The in-formation forms the recipient). Biofield containing the proper information is considered balanced and can function optimally. This matrix, our aura, our defense, or immune system, has all the information about our sickness or health. Our health, or our illness, is the manifestation of our complete psychophysical condition, inter-reacting with information from our environment, which includes ourselves and even our worldview. The balancing of the energy body by the practitioner is made possible by the physical fact that the stronger potential influences the weaker potential. The therapist delivers the information contained in Bioenergy to the part of your body where it is needed and removes the excess from places where there is too much of it. This creates the informational balance needed for the correct function of the immune system, and the body starts to heal. This therapy directly optimizes the immune system, eliminates the pain, regenerates tissue, and dramatically increases the blood circulation. It has remarkable results with “incredible” diseases